Discover where DrewDev began.


After adopting Unity, I spent over eight years working on various hobby projects and commissioned work while honing my coding skills, all while balancing a full-time job.

In 2007, I began experimenting with the Game Maker Engine during my school days and immediately became engrossed. The simplicity of dragging and dropping actions to animate characters was a revelation for me at the time.

By 2010, I started live-streaming my development process, learning more about game makers programming language. In 2014, I met David, a lifelong friend, who introduced me to the Unity Engine. He transitioned to Unity and encouraged me to do the same, which led me to dive into learning the C# language.

In February 2024, I transitioned to a full-time game development role. I am now excitedly preparing to launch my first commercial project in Q4 2024, marking a significant milestone in my game development career.